Friday, February 8, 2013

Being a Good Role Model Via The 'Net

"Are you a good role model?"

Sometimes I step back and ask myself this question, just to keep myself on the right track. Earlier this week while I was scrolling through Facebook posts I came across an article that shocked me a bit. Recently a school teacher was fired from her position because of the inappropriate content that she shared on her social media accounts. This individual tweeted numerous photos of herself engaging in marijuana usage along with several photos of herself naked or nearly naked.

This 23 year old has ruined her professional career when it was just beginning because she abused social media. It's articles like that that cause me to stop and reflect on how I present myself. Social media is an incredibly powerful tool and it's true what they say, "The Internet is forever." Negative posts, tweets, and comments attract far more attention that positive ones do, which is a sad fact. As deep as the social sharing has become it's not just what you personally post or share that your friends or followers can see; it's every like, comment and retweet as well. Your interactions with others are not private over the world wide web.

All I could think while I read that article was; "what if she had been a karate school instructor?" What if she had been an instructor in a school and fellow students or instructors saw her acting like that?

When people make you angry do you react blindly with emotions and ego bleeding through your fingers as fast as you can tap those keys? Or are you able to keep a level head and respond clearly and responsibly? Do you make an attempt to keep your matters private or are they splattered across your Timeline?

I'll admit, it's very difficult for me to keep my wits about me and respond rationally to something when a post angers me online; but I've gotten a lot better over the years and I have to credit Kenpo for that. Part of the 3rd Brown Belt Pledge talks about handling all grievances or disputes away from group observation. I feel had Mr. Parker created that pledge in 2013 it would read something along the lines of "I will handle all grievances and disputes away from group observation AND the Internet."

When you are teaching other people, especially kids, about the martial arts respect is one of the largest building blocks in the foundation of a good martial artist. Not just respect from students that are a lower rank than you but also respect for yourself. Being appropriate not only when you are face to face with other people, but also when you are sitting behind your computer screen. A good martial artist keeps their ego in check and their interactions appropriate. A good martial artist has respect for their fellow students, including those that are of a lower rank than them. It seems that the higher ranks automatically are shown respect, as it should be, however at some point everyone has been a White Belt. Lower ranks deserve respect too.

So next time you're typing out a status that's so full of your ego there's no more room on the screen, or you are about to share a raunchy photo, please please think of who may see it (everyone) and what the repercussions might be before you click that post button.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Our Students Love To Share!

I love, love, love the family aspect that we have at Scholar and Warrior Kenpo Academy. Love it! Can you tell how I feel about it yet; it truly has become this huge loving Kenpo family. Today I had a kid blow me away (for the second time this month;) and she isn't even a student, she's the sister of a student. Chris Henry is one of our little five year olds that joined back in July of 2012. Chris' two siblings, Cody and Kassidy, always come to class with Chris and hang out with Mom while Chris trains.

Two weeks ago Kassidy approached me while I was sitting at my desk arranging some paperwork and said; "Ms. Elliot guess what I know the Kenpo Creed."
I raised my eyebrow a little and said, "Oh do you?"
Kassidy said to me; "Yep I can prove it!" She then slapped her hand down on my desk where I have a photo that Mr. Hale gave me of a Karambit with the Creed printed underneath of it and recited the Kenpo Creed to me flawlessly. When she finished she said; "I read that every time that I come here." Then bounced off to go play with the other kids.
I probably stood there for a good ten seconds gaping at what just happened.

I thought that was the coolest thing but what happened tonight takes the cake! Kassidy came up to me tonight and very shyly tapped me on the arm and said; "Ms. Elliot may I show you something."

This little girl showed me a near perfect Blocking Set One!! I was so excited I couldn't believe it. She learned it from working at home with her little brother and watching the classes from the side. It really makes me excited to know that our students are going home and they're practicing on their own, and sharing it with their siblings, and maybe even their friends and that sparks an interest in the kids they're sharing with. I love that our students are just as excited about sharing Kenpo with others as we are!

Friday, February 1, 2013

I Smiled The Entire Time I Wrote This. :)

Awesome! That's exactly how I feel, it's two days later and I still feel pretty darn awesome. Life is awesome, air is awesome, I feel awesome!! On Wednesday night I earned my first stripe towards my 2nd Brown Belt. The first 12 techniques of 2nd Brown Belt I have DOWN! I have been on Cloud Nine ever since.

So when Gene and I decided to open our own school in 2011 I asked Gene to teach me everything again. I asked him to do this because I didn't feel like I deserved to wear the rank of 3rd Brown Belt. The week after I earned my 3rd Brown Belt I attended a seminar weekend with Mr. Rich Hale and Mr. Brian Duffy. And Mr. Hale taught us about principles found within the system. This was the first time that I had ever really been exposed to principles. I'd never heard terms such as Marriage of Gravity, Economy of Motion, etc. in such detail. I felt absolutely awful. I never felt more undeserving as I did on the ride home from Oklahoma that weekend. That was in May of 2011; and I wasn't sure what to do about my dilemma, or the ever growing guilt in the pit of my stomach.
In August, Gene and I decided to open our own school. And that was when I ask him to start me over at Yellow Belt. So, for twenty two months we worked on everything. Yellow Belt and up. I'm no where near perfect, but I'm much better than I was 2 years ago. I know I deserve the rank that I wear now, and that feels fantastic!

I went through a serious period where I wanted to quit, I was very discouraged and I'll admit it was hard. It was harder than I thought it would be, to relearn techniques and do them by the book. I had never been conscious about the lower platform before; checking with the legs is still something that I struggle with. I'm really glad that I stuck through it though. I have that fire burning again, I know it sounds weird but I love that I can hit people again, and even better they can hit me. There's something very depressing about training in a martial art and going a period of time where you can't really make and receive contact with anyone. I can't wait to be in the school, I've always loved being there, we have so many wonderful students and parents it would be hard not to want to be there all the time. But I want to be there for me as well now. I am just itching to get back onto the mat and learn every class. We have an amazing school with nearly 50 students, I'm coming along in my training, as is Gene in his, and life is genuinely wonderful.

***If you're reading this because of the misunderstanding that occurred when Mr. Bundy read this post please also read this blog post here so it will hopefully clear up any misunderstandings you may have as well. Thank you for stopping by my blog!***