Saturday, March 24, 2012

Terrified but Motivated

As I prepare for my 2nd Brown Belt exam I have to admit, I am scared, no wait-scratch that, I'm terrified. As with any new obstacle, I've begun to reflect on my past 6 exams. None have evoked the terror within me that this one does. It's the first exam I've had that will have a written section. Written is something I'm good at normally; but these words, definitions and principles are things I've only just barely begun to understand. And don't even get me started on the physical portion. 7 forms, plus one of my own creation, 9 sets, and 154 techniques. Despite all the material piled in front of me that's not what is most terrifying; it's who is testing me. This is my first exam with Gene as my instructor. And I am terrified, because he knows what I have trouble with, and he's going to be incredibly picky, a hard ass. I know without a doubt that if I don't perform at the level of a 2nd Brown Belt he will have no problem failing me. And I respect the hell out of him for that. I know he's set the bar high, higher than I may even expect because let's face it, we're in a relationship and the last thing either of us ever wants is to hear someone think I was handed my rank because we live together. Thus I am terrified, in a few months I'm going to be put through the hardest exam I've ever experienced. Terrified as I am, I am excited, dying for the chance to prove myself. I plan on kicking ass in that exam; these fears and unsettling feelings in the pit of my stomach are nothing but motivation

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Scholar Skills

We named our school Scholar and Warrior because training the body isn't enough you have to train the mind as well and vice versa. When we decided to open the school it happened so quickly, in a month it went from a dream to a reality and we were sprinting to keep up. We're almost six months old now, and things have slowed down and taken a very nice pace. Life has fallen into a comfortable rhythm. A few weeks ago I proposed an idea to Gene and he agreed to let me do it. :) Once a week I give the students a Scholar Skill, which is either a Kenpo Saying, or a principle definition or a part of a pledge for them to memorize. At the end of the week I pull each student aside and have them tell me the current week's skill. If they can correctly, their name goes into a drawing, and at the end of the month a name is drawn and that student is Scholar of the Month. (There's gotta be some competition there right?)

Yesterday was the first day for the students to tell me the skill. It was an easy one, Yellow Belt Saying #1: Distance is Your Best Friend." And to be honest I was nervous our students ages are 5+. And we only see them 3 times a week. Imagine my excitement when each and every student that was present in class last night was able to tell me the Skill for that week.

Our students are phenomenal, they work hard and take on new assignments with excitement, I couldn't be more proud of them and I know neither could Gene. 2012 is only going to keep getting better for SWKA; and I am so thankful to be a part of this.