Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ring In 2012

2011 was nothing short of fantastic for me as a Martial Artist. I became an Advanced Student, and Gene and I opened Scholar and Warrior Kenpo Academy. As exciting as 2011 was, I have high expectations for an even more exciting 2012. In just three short months our lives have changed drastically, for the greatest! We are honestly blessed with the greatest group of students that we could ever ask for. Three months ago we didn't have a clue if this was a good idea or not, we had no guaranteed students and no idea if any would come. But we signed that contract anyway, because it felt right, and dreams aren't always gift wrapped for you sometimes you've got to plunge into them and pray they don't become nightmares. And they have not, in fact it just keeps getting better and better. This morning I observed one of our 5 year old students, who just so happens to also be the smallest, absolutely excel in class today. At five years old and only having been in class for two months he correctly executed Delayed Sword, Alternating Mace and Sword of Destruction as well as Blocking Set 1. My heart literally wanted to burst. I can't wait to see what his and everyone else's skill level will be this time next year. This is the most wonderful thing I could ever be a part of and each and every day I am reminded of how blessed we are to have this new Kenpo family. Here's to 2012, a full year of teaching and learning!