Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's Just A Strip Of Cloth Right?

For the first time in almost five years of training I lost my belt; well kinda. Let me back up a bit. So Gene was out of town on Thursday night and I opened up the karate school for a few hours as an open mat to our adult students. We ran the line, worked on our forms then we padded up and sparred for a bit. It was a lot of fun for sure!

Fast forward to today, Saturday morning, threw on my pants and gi jacket right before class began, reached into my bag and my Brown Belt was not there. My stomach dropped and I immediately felt like I was going to throw up. Where the heck is my belt?! Class was literally lining up so I didn't have time to tear everything apart. Luckily Gene and I keep our belt racks at the school so I borrowed his 3rd Brown Belt and hopped onto the mat. I couldn't stop thinking about where my own belt was though. My mind was flying trying to track my path between Thursday evening and this morning. I never take my belt out of my bag unless it's going on my body so I was clueless and steadily growing more and more concerned.

  We ran the line again in adult class this morning, and my head was not in the game. Caleb Farmer noticed my anxiety and asked me if I was alright and I started to tear up when I told him I lost my Brown Belt. Immediately I started telling myself that "it's just a strip of cloth. Not a big deal, the belt is not that important. Suck it up cream puff!" There's no crying in Kenpo!! Class finished and then hunt began, after over an hour I found it, in my separate bag that I keep my sparring gear in. I was absolutely ecstatic.

Yes, it's just a strip of cloth, but I've put so much into Kenpo to earn the right to wear that belt. I've been wearing the same Brown Belt for almost 2 years now and it's a huge deal to me. The thought of having to break in a new 3rd Brown Belt broke my heart. I'm really happy that I'm a part of something that special. I'm glad that my initial reaction was to freak out, rather then just think "eh no worries, I can order a new one. No big deal." When you work hard for something you definitely cherish it for all it's worth. Instances like today make me so very grateful that I don't train in a McDojo.

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