Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Welcome Back To SWKA!

I've said it before, hands down the saddest part of owning a karate school is when students have to move away. The heart wrenching phrase "we don't want to go but we have to," breaks me every time. However this is not a blog about sadness, this is a blog about joy! 

For about 3 years now Gene and I have had the same hair stylist, Ashley. We just love her and her work; over time as we got to know Ashley better we learned about her kiddos and she learned about our karate school. After much prodding on our part we were able to convince Ashley to bring her wee ones to SWKA and they ended up staying with us for right around a year. Last May however career opportunities changed and Ashley, the kids and the rest of their family ended up moving to Omaha. We were of course heartbroken. We kept in touch though, we saw Ashley every few months when she came down to give her regulars a hair cut.
2 weekends ago we had a hair cut, asked about the kids, had a normal chit chat and then went on our way.

Last Saturday I went around the corner after the Adult class and grabbed a coffee, when I came back to the school Ashley was there with her son Draven! I thought they were here to visit because they have family that lives in our area. Then Ashley broke into the biggest smile and said, "Do you know how hard it was to cut your hair and keep it a secret from you guys that we were moving back!!"

My heart exploded! I've felt the heart break several times when a student has to leave us, but this is the first time we have had someone move back. Last night both Draven and his sister Dareyen were back in class! Such a sweet feeling! 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The One Where I Found What I Had Thought Was Lost

Bear with me ladies and gents, this will probably be long and wordy.

To say that then less then enthused about Kenpo in the past year is a severe understatement. I have been struggling for quite some time with it, so long actually that I don't honestly know when it began. 

Let me back up, when I first began training in Kenpo in July 2008 I was absolutely on fire! It's all I thought and talked about and all I did and it was that way for years. Fast forward to year 4 or 5 in Kenpo and that roaring fire was more of a matchstick flame; not long after that it was basically ebbing coals. I actually found myself dreading class, it wasn't attending the school part that I didn't like spending time with the students and their parents that never went away, but I hated the idea of getting out on the mat. 

I wanted to quit so very badly, I think one time I even told Gene that I quit. Honestly I really couldn't understand why hated it so much, Kenpo practically save me it definitely kept me sane. When I found Kenpo I had no friends, I have just moved to the Midwest and I needed an extracurricular desperately, it was exactly what the doctor ordered. I kept thinking to myself, "Kenpo is your passion! It made you who you are! Kenpo is you!" Despite the mantra I was still dreading it. 

It took me a while to figure it out, and when I did there ended up being three main factors;

1) I have been the same rank for almost 3 1/2 years. When Gene became my instructor I recertified for all previous rank under him; meaning we went back and he re-taught me every single thing straight from the book starting with Delayed Sword. This was something that I wanted and honestly if the smallest of the three factors but it did manage to make the list. 

2) I gained weight. SURPRISE!!! My metabolism at age 19 is not the same age 22, or 24 for that matter! Gaining weight slowed me down and maybe bad the techniques I was supposed to do and techniques I used to be good at. Unsurprisingly I became depressed, but instead of combating it in order to fix the problem I ate my feelings and the problem ensued. Literally just three weeks ago I decided to fix it and I've been very diligent with that decision already seeing results.

3) factor three I did not realize until I was on my way home from work tonight. You see Gene was out of town for part of last week and this week as well, so with the assistance of our sensational assistant instructors I have been running SWKA. (huge thank you to Clinton George and Mark Dalen without you I don't know what Gene and I would do.) no this is not the first time I've ran the school without Gene but it is the first time in a while, I can't lie it is both intimidating and difficult. On my way home to grab my gi and check on the fur babies I casually thought to myself; "I am pumped for Kenpo." 

Now I'm not sure how you do a double take with yourself concerning a thought you formulated only in your brain but I assure you I did just that. 
"I am pumped for Kenpo! I am pumped for Kenpo! I'm not just preparing myself to go to class tonight, I actually CANNOT WAIT TO GO!" 

I am so glad that is pulling into my driveway when the thought occurred because I sat in my car for a few moments crying actual tears of joy. I have my Kenpo back, my fire is returning. I can literally feel those flames rebuilding inside my stomach and all I could do was cry because there was a time when I thought but those claims were gone forever.  

Teaching these past two weeks show me just how much I didn't know I was missing. I haven't really assisted teaching classes in probably a year. But this week, no today, I realized I need this! I need to be a part of helping build other Kenpoists on their journey. I need to help pass on the Flame, not only for the sake of preserving Mr. Parker's Kenpo but for myself. 

Now if you'll excuse me I have some classes I have to go teach! :) 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

6 Questions Post Promotion-Dorian Burns

I'm going to start publishing quick little interviews that I have begun with our students after they receive a promotion. First
 up on the blog is Mr. Dorian Burns. 

Student: Dorian Burns
Age: 11
Started Training At SWKA: September 2011
Current Rank: Jr. Orange Belt.

Me: "Alright buddy! So how do you feel?"
Dorian: "I feel happy! I feel super pumped!"

Me: "Good deal! So Dorian why did you want to start Kenpo?"
Dorian: "I really just wanted to learn how to defend myself and other people. If someone was hurting someone else I wanted to be able to help people."

Me: "Do you feel better about being able to defend yourself now?" 
Dorian: "Yeah, I remember seeing someone picking on someone on the playground before I started Kenpo. I didn't know how to tell him to stop. So I jumped on the bully's back and I tried to choke him. But Kenpo taught me that it's much better to find a teacher or an adult first. That's the best option. My mom and dad taught me that too."

Me: "What do you love about Kenpo?"
Dorian: I love like, new techniques. I love learning them. Every time I get a new technique it helps fill in more of my empty time during the day, because I'm not allowed to always be on the Xbox."

Me: "What is the hardest thing about Kenpo?"
Dorian: "Hardest thing is remembering stuff. But when I practice and practice then it all comes back to me." 

Me: "Dorian are you going to get your Black Belt?"
Dorian: "Someday! When I'm probably as old as Mr. Braden!" 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

17 Truths of Being an American Kenpoist

It's been far too long since I've blogged, I thought a fun post would be a great way to jump back into the swing of it! Feel free to share with other Kenpoists! 

1) Air Kenpo is the worst, absolute worst!

2) Running the line is probably your favorite

3) You own multiple pieces of Kenpo jewelry 

4) Seminar weekends are always better than tournament weekends, so much knowledge!!

5) You face palm when people think the universal symbol is a spider web. 

6) You exclaim every time Elvis is mentioned "he did Kenpo"

7) If you're a female Kenpoist you despise being "babied"

8) If you don't have a Kenpo related tattoo you've considered it 

9) You've watched Kill The Golden Goose; you know it was terrible, you still get excited because it's Mr. Parker! 

10)You love to talk up the promotional kick to White Belts about to receive their Yellow because that's what all the upper belts did to terrify you!

11) You get excited and pumped about bruises; (you probably call them Kenpo Kisses), you also show them to your non-Kenpoist friends enthusiastically- they think you're insane. 

12) Meeting other Kenpoists from different schools is like discovering family members you didn't know you had!

13) You often lovingly say to other Kenpoists "can't wait to spar you!"

14) You've YouTubed "American Kenpo" and quickly realized how terrible an idea that was. 

15) You've listened to "When Kenpo Strikes."

16) You LOVE Thundering Hammers and 5 Swords!

17) You're always scouring the Internet for Kenpo books you can add to your library

Thursday, January 16, 2014

An Open Letter To SWKA’s parents and students

This letter is to say thank you, for so many different things.


First, for choosing us either to be a part of your own or your child’s Journey in karate. We know we’re not the only school in the local area, we know we’re not the biggest building with the latest furnishings, and we know we’re not located in the prime optimal location for Saint Joseph but you chose us anyway. You picked the little karate school in the rock faced building nestled quietly in Downtown. The school that has only one Black Belt and has only been open two and a half years. You took a chance on us and we thank you. J


Second, for operating like a family. That was what we desired more than anything when we opened this school. We wanted it to run as much like a family as was possible. We support each other, we give each other advice, we help each other in our training and offer a shoulder and a hug where it’s needed. I absolutely love this karate family that continues to grow. I love seeing everyone interact with each other, I love seeing birthdays celebrated and achievements earned and the entire school be excited. It’s something we always hoped would happen and we are still in awe that this is a reality.


Third, for diligence and patience. We live in a time where instant gratification is everywhere. Where kids and adults are being given Black Belts, not earning them but being given them. You can’t buy a Black Belt through us you have to work for it. It’s so refreshing to have a group of people that understand karate is difficult. It’s something that you have to work for, something you have to practice consistently at and constantly put forth an effort to make any headway. We can’t express how proud we are that our students show such drive and integrity. You are the people who didn’t gasp or even bat an eye when you were told it takes years to gain rank in Kenpo. In fact several of you stated that was what you were looking for all along. We truly have an outstanding group of students and parents to be so supportive and understanding  and dedicated which is exactly what I believe every karate school needs.


We have so many wonderful things coming our way, and this school will continue to grow and become greater with time I’m sure. I’m so ecstatic to be a part of this school. So one last time, thank you.